Monday, August 5, 2013
My life has been forever enriched by knowing Vera... she changed the way I look at the world. I spent at least a portion of my school vacations with Vera as a young girl/woman, as well as many Christmas Eves. Vera brought a deep sense of culture to my life. Among the many things she taught me (Cross stitching, 500 Rummy, the Ukrainian alphabet), she taught me about the infinite strength that a woman is capable of. And I have passed the depth of her knowledge and character on to my children, I speak of her lovingly and quite often. Although, regrettably, I haven't visited her in quite some time... my world somehow seems emptier without her. But I find comfort in knowing that she is so very happy to be smiling face to face with Jesus. If I could say one last thing to my dear Vera it would be, "Thank you. And thank God for bringing you into my life." Because above all things... Vera thanked God.