Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ray and I were never really close. But on many levels I knew Ray perhaps better than some. While growing up as a young boy, to say his life was tough, would be an understatement. Yet, through all of his trials and tribulations he maintained a good heart and I would say a kindred spirit.
Ray was a joker and was very funny. I suspect that he used comedy and satire to perhaps cover up some sadness's. I have often thought that Ray would have been a great stand up comedian if given the chance. Sadly that chance never came. While Ray's life was by some considered contentious, I submit that he lived life as best as he could see fit to do so.
Whenever someone passes away, it is my belief that we should look at what the person left. i.e. religious ideologies,perhaps a transference of understanding one another. But perhaps more importantly, at least for Ray, I believe he left a mental foot print that shows us this one simple thing: In our hustle and bustle lives, we tend to focus OUT those that we deem non-essential or perhaps problematic. We don't know what others who cross our path may be facing. We don't know their fears, their frustrations, their hates or their loves.
Ray always held a special place in his heart for older folks. Always eager to help or listen. So, as we close the book on the life of Raymond, perhaps we should all extend a hand to anyone who maybe silently suffering from issues we may not understand, but perhaps, issues we can help resolve for the other guy.
Ray, may God Bless and keep you.............................